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I Am MellieMelo 

Welcome to a world between love and hatred, between light and dark, between all that is good and all that is evil... 

I am Goddess here. I am whomever I wish, whenever I want. I can fulfill all my dreams and desires. I am not afraid. I exist solely for you to worship and love. When I speak, listen. When I enter, notice. Close your eyes...look to the stars... take my hand.... and walk with me. You will know a beauty unnoticed by others. You will never see loneliness. You will know forever in my eyes. Caress my flesh and secure my love. I am a  dream. I am a nightmare. I am the petals of a rose. I am the thorns of the stem. I am the sparkling blue sky. I am the darkness of night. I am Love.  I am Hatred.  

But most



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© 2005, Mellie Melo


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