I've moved!!!
Please visit my new site at: http://www.melliemelo.gallianoservices.com
To whom it may concern (YOU know who you are) --- APRIL says HI!!!!!! |
** This page is dedicated to the memory to our dear friend, Bruce Powell, aka "Shemp". We miss you. ** It's time for the membership drive!!!! We need YOU, our loyal visitors to recruit as many new members as possible. Just forward this page to all of your friends and convince them to join!! New members be sure to tell us who referred you for a reward!!!
Welcome to The official Mellie Melo Fan Club The official fan club for Mellie Melo, Queen of Hozerville please direct all fan mail to milcmaid@charter.net We at the Mellie Melo Fan Club would like to thank you for you interest in our organization. The club was founded by our president, Hozer the Pirate in the late 1990's. Once the word of a fan club got out, our membership doubled overnight! Now you too can be a member of this prestigious organization! "I am flattered and amazed that I have my own fan club! It really touches my heart to know that so many people care. I know that what ever happens, my fans will be there for me. Thank you all... YOU are why I am what I am today!" - Mellie Melo, when asked what she thought of her fan club.
Membership terms are as follows: 1. You must be a fan of Mellie, Queen of Hozerville. 2. A one time membership fee is required of all members. The fee consists of FIVE of anything (that being five frogs, five peanuts, five pennies, five rocks, etc). Dues are to be paid promptly upon requesting to join the Mellie Melo Fan Club. 3. Thou shalt not disrespect, disreguard, or disagree with Mellie Melo.... EVER. 4. By becoming a member, it is understood that you are automatically a member of the IHRC. Anyone refusing to participate in IHRC recreational activities *giggle* may result in automatic dismissal from the Mellie Melo Fan Club. 5. You must have adequate stalking skills and/or experience. 6. If you have a web page, you must place a link to Mellie Melo's Mellow World! somewhere on it.
By joining now, you will also have special privileges such as: 1. Personal E-mails from Mellie herself! 2. Mellie Melo Fan Club Membership card. 3. Notification of any changes to Mellie's web pages. 3. Special access to pictures, news, and other events. 4. FREE monthly newsletter 5. A chance to be listed in the Fan pages, with your picture and bio
Ready to join?? The first step is always the hardest... but not in our case! The first step is the easiest! To join the club, just send an e-mail to Hozer the Pirate or melliemelofanclub@email.com stating your interest in the club. We will respond as soon as possible with the details. Join today!!! It's practically F R E E !! Due to the extreme volume of e-mail, please be patient in waiting for a reply. Thank you.
Here's what a few of our members have said about the club: "I love Mellie Melo. She is the bestest ever. She be purty, funny, smart, and I likes her. I kan't wait to meat her and telle her i luv her" -- Hozer the Pirate, Mellie Melo Fan Club President. "Mellie likes it when I'm MOOSHY. Sorry guys, she's MINE ALL MINE mwwahh haa haa" -- MILKMAN, Mellie's bodyguard. "How did I get here? What do you want? " -- Shemp "Please remove me from the list." -- anonymous
What are you waiting for? Join NOW! If you would like to write Mellie yourself, Please direct all fan mail to: milcmaid@charter.net Due to the volume of mail, personal replies are not always possible. However, Mellie reads her fan mail herself, and appreciates all comments. She attempts to respond to each and every one. As always, have a great Mellie Melo Day!!! Coming Soon! **Members list page with homepage links **Members payment list so you can see who paid with what
We reserve the right to terminate membership at any time. Any infraction of the membership terms may result in dismissal, pending disciplinary action. Absolutely NO REFUNDS on membership fees. By E-mailing Hozer the Pirate all membership terms are thereby agreed to. Questions? E-mail me. © 2003, Mellie Melo